Tuesday, January 24, 2012

Masculine Voice

   I think a key concept to keep in mind while looking at the masculine voice is the "crisis of masculinity."  This crisis helps give shape to the different representations of the masculine voice.  In class we studied how the masculine voice can vary so much or sometimes sounds confused,  I think this is due to the crisis of masculinity.  The typical masculine voice is aggressive and dominating; there isn't much melody in their voice.  It is rough and exudes strength.  The sexuality you hear through it is strong and forceful.  It is never vulnerable or unsure.  The content portrays a masculinity that defines men as strong, dominant, the provider, the key to sexual pleasure. Women are there to serve them, and women need them. One song I think shows this is "Control" by Puddle of Mud (see link below).  There is also a rebellion streak within the content that says in order to become a man, you have to rebel against something that is holding you back. We studied this in Bruce Springsteen and his rebellion agains fathers. I think this rebellion is something to show freedom and strength.  We saw the struggle with the crisis of masculinity in Bruce Springsteen, but he always came to a resolution; he was strong, not uncertain in the end.  I think the ideology of the traditional masculine voice is that it is whatever is NOT feminine. Guys do what they want to do, when they want to, and no one can hold them down kind of thing.  It is take charge, know who you are (or resolve the identity struggle  in the end at least),  be a provider in all senses, and, at all costs, STAY STRONG.

   However, during our study of the masculine voice, we saw some deviance to this traditional voice.  I think there were always still traces of it, but I credit that to men being presented that masculinity their whole lives.  We saw men struggle with this traditional voice in through the evidence of emotion or vulnerability.  Some artists used a very melodic voice using it as the key instrument.  We saw lyrics that showed uncertainty.  The lyrics aren't concerned with proving their manhood as much as speaking about the writer's experience. Women do not always have such a typical role, they can be portrayed in a much more positive light.  I think the ideology represented in these masculine voices reflects the crisis of masculinity.  The men are searching and struggling with what it means to be a man today.  They still hold onto things that they are taught by society through the traditional male voice but realize that is isn't reality.  I think the masculine voice today is the process of sifting through who they are and defining their identity.

    The traditional masculine voice is the most prevalent in rock and roll today.  Hard rock and metal bands represent this ideology to a T.  But in other genres that stem from this, we start to see this different representation of masculinity.  Identities are always in flux and this is why I think it is so hard to define the masculine voice because...what does it actually mean to be masculine?  I can only do what contemporary artists do---Define the traditional masculine voice and try to find its faults and find alternatives.

Below I've choses artists and songs that represent what I discusses in the previous paragraphs.  I wrote this kind of backwards.  I listened to these songs and then I formed my idea of the masculine voice.  So the previous paragraphs are a sort of discussion of the following artists and songs.

Artists that represent the traditional masculine voice:
Bruce Springsteen, Buckcherry, Puddle of Mudd (link to lyrics of "Control"), Elvis, Anvil.

Buckcherry: Crazy Bitch
represents the ideology surrounding women

Adam Raised a Cain by Bruce Springsteen
shows the rebellion theme

Deviance from traditional masculine voice:
Coldplay, Frightened Rabbit, The Fray, Snowpatrol, Elton John, The Middle East.

All of these artists are more melodic and portray a vulnerability in their voice.  They question themselves and show that masculinity isn't effortless. The song "Blood" shows disillusionment with life.  I think what makes these different is the evidence of struggle and emotion. 

The Scientist by Coldplay

Blood by The Middle East
Rocket Man by Elton John

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