Tuesday, January 24, 2012

"Fragile Meadow"
Black Atlantic

This is one of my favorite songs.  It doesn't necessarily fit into rock and roll very well but after I listened to it a couple times, I was able to tie in a few of the things we talked about in class.  The song to me is about a couple's journey of love, friendship, and relationship.  The singer talks about the situation they are in and his admiration for his lover.  I think this is an empowering song to women.  This is one of the rare instances in music where I feel that the address of "Woman" is empowering without possessing any negative connotation that sometimes accompanies it.  The woman is not talked about as an object and there are no sexual references.  Instead she is referred to a companion and lover, a love that has been shaped by them and their journey through trials and tribulations. The singer says he is fortunate to have met her,  I always think of that as him knowing her and interacting with and acknowledging her mind.  I think "fragile meadow" is about the state that there in, that so many things could come and separate them, yet he believes that they are destined to stay there with each other forever.  That even though the security of indestructibility of youth is not with them, they will still stay in a tranquil, yet fragile meadow.  I think the bit about the woman as a companion and "I love you for you" has a bit of 3rd wave feminism with the idea of you are empowered simply because you are you.  I think the man is recognizing that.  This also is not the typical representation of masculinity.  It is very vulnerable, even the lyrics are "fragile" and vulnerable.  The man is not a rock or emotionless being at all.  The music is also very intimate with the male melodic voice and single instrument with the occasional humming and percussion.  I think the intimacy of the music also ties in with the intimacy within the story of the lyrics.

I have included two videos.  One is the song accompanied by an inspiring interpretive dance, and the other is the band performing a live session. Enjoy.


Tranquilly labouring 
At our love's cultivation
But I do believe
Oh I am fortunate 
To have met you, woman

How ephemeral our grace is 
In these wind stricken plains
But I do believe
Oh It is our fate 
To reside here, woman
Away from the mountains of youth 
And safety
Oh in a fragile meadow
A fragile meadow
Fragile meadow

I see you bloom in
This sun, the sun that we've shaped
But I do believe
Oh you are a companion
And a true lover, woman
Through our rains and wintry 
I have come to love you
Love you for you
I love you for you
Love you for you 
I love you for you
Love you for you
I love you for you
Love you for you
I love you fo you

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