Tuesday, January 24, 2012

Feminine Voice

The Feminine voice is very influenced by society's view of women and the role they play.  I think the feminine voice has to be discussed by voices that succumb to society's version of a woman's role and those that combat society's view.  Women in society are seen as sexual objects, controllable, submissive, needy, and weak.  We can see the fulfillment of this view in artists like Britney Spears, Rihanna, and Jennifer Lopez.  Their voices sound extremely sexual.  Britney and Jennifer often use breathing and their voices are lighter and more airy.  None of these artist's voices are forceful and aggressive.  They sing about needing a man and serve as excellent objects for sexual pleasure.  Rihanna's voice is stronger, but she is always at the mercy of a man in her songs.  I think the song "Love the Way you Lie"link is a good representation of this.  I think the fact that it is an abusive relationship but Rihanna is incapable of leaving is a good but terrible illustration of the needing a man or not being strong enough to walk away.
    Artist  that work against society's view and seek to empower women are Beyonce, Kelly Clarkson, and Nicki Manaj.  While all of these artists are all very sexy and dress that way,  their voices are stronger and more forceful.  They send messages of indepence (Miss Independent by Kelly Clarkson) and power (Run the World (Girls) by Beyonce).  Nicki Manaj is the most successful woman rapper and often uses a strong voice.  She exudes confidence.  I think all of these women want to send the message that they don't need a man and they will not fit in the box the world has made for them.
   Another aspect of the feminine voice is the sound.  Feminine voices are often on display and used as the key instrument.  They are very melodic.  High soprano and vibrato is signifies a feminine voice like nothing else.  Three artists that exemplify this are Joan Baez, Florence + The Machine, and Sara Bareilles.

Britney Spears: "Hold it Against Me"
Rihanna: "We Found Love" (powerless)
Miss Independent by Kelly Clarkson
"Listen" by Beyonce -empowerment

Feminine sound:
Florence + The Machine "Cosmic Love"

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