Tuesday, January 10, 2012

K.D. Lang: From CowPunk to Androgyny

"Mannish Girl: K.D. Lang---From CowPunk to Androgyny"
Author: Stella Bruzzi

Thesis:  The author uses Lang's style, in both her music and appearance, to show the transition from being a "cowpunk" to an "ambiguous androgyny" in her career.  The author examines the sexuality Lang presents before she came out and the sexuality she presents after coming out as a lesbian.  Bruzzi discusses this transition as a loss to the artists' authenticity because she wanted to "be honest" about her sexuality but then instead of producing music that shows her sexuality, she continued with gender neutral art.  Bruzzi presents this as hypocritical and also that Lang conforms to the norm of covering up your sexual orientation/identity. 

Through this picture I wanted to show Lang's presentation of sexuality, as well as how the media accepted it--by comparing her to a man.  She chooses this dress, but instead of accepting this look as "Lang" the media finds a look alike from the opposite sex. 

Song: "Your Song" by Elton John

This song is another example of gender neutral lyrics.  Elton John also came out after his career took off and had people wondering to whom his songs/lyrics were addressed.  "Your Song" is an example of unclear gender identity that is left up to interpretation, with that interpretation being influenced by the sexual orientation of the artist.  

This photo shows Lang in a very masculine pose.  I think it is interesting to note that her association with being a lesbian is shown through dressing in a manner typical to men.  I do not think that this is necessary of fair to assume that lesbians are more manly on the gender spectrum, however I am not claiming that Lang dresses this way because of this or for that matter that I know why she dresses the way she does at all. I just wanted to acknowledge that she represents the image of the "butch lesbian" in the media. 

Discussion Questions:

1. Do you think you can truly claim a loss of authenticity in Lang's art because of her gender neutral music?  Or do you think her music is exactly how she wanted to present it and perhaps we are not qualified to judge her authenticity? 

2.  If you are familiar with Ellen Degeneres, how are her and k.d. Lang similar and different?  

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