Saturday, January 21, 2012

Britney Part II

"The Exile of Britney Spears" Chapters 8-15
Christopher R. Smit

In this half of the book, Smit continues to talk about the theme of consumption.  He talks about all of the Britney merchandise.  I thought that Laura Mason's zine added a interesting point to this topic.  She talked about Britney making herself a brand and how when people use her name it literally reads "Britney TM".  Anyways, Smit talks about how we further consume her through this merchandise adding to our control.  When we consume, we own and "to own is to control." We made Britney a possession and felt that we had ownership over her. Smit then analyzes the performance of "I'm a Slave 4U" and its imagery.  Maybe she is trying to take control by using her sexuality and not being "a little girl", however she is still powerless in the face of our consumption. The video is a transition to something; it is is more animalistic, primal, and violent.
Next we move on to the Exile of Britney, where we digest our consumption and don't like what we are digesting.  We didn't like who Britney was becoming.  She took control over her own body be becoming a mother and took away them image of Britney that we loved and created. She became a mother, she was a woman--more grown up.  Then the picture scandal happened where her genitalia were exposed for the whole world to see.  This was a culmination of ruining Britney's image of perfection; she was exiled. Smit also addresses depression, drugs, and alcohol as disabling her and her mind. A disablement that was brought about by us.
But now, we have allowed her to come back.  She has transformed her image into one that we approve of and support.  She has to play by our rules in order to be the "redeemed Britney."  Britney didn't make her own comeback, we allowed her back into the music world.  However, there is also the notion that we need Britney as much as she needs us.

This is an article written by The Daily Beast about Britney's "comeback."  I think the most interesting line in the whole article is the last one.  It is talking about Britney's strategy and what she is doing now as a brand-name and in business/music.
 “She works with these people who churn it out, there’s no soul, the records come and go…Everyone knew Madonna was intelligent. She was a phenomenal marketer. No one believes Britney is pulling the strings… You just don’t want to take her too seriously.”
click here to read the article.

Britney's "I'm a Slave 4U" performance and her tragic 2008 performance of "Gimme More". Compare the difference.

This awful moment:

Discussion Questions:

1. After reading this book, does it make you feel differently about how you enjoy, view, and consume things in the media?  How can we change to avoid what has happened with Britney Spears?

2. If you could pick three main things out of Britney's career to signify her creation, exile, and comeback, what would they be and why?

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